仁愛堂每月捐款表格 Yan Oi Tong Monthly Donation Form

仁愛堂每月捐款表格 Yan Oi Tong Monthly Donation Form

I would like to make monthly donation to support Yan Oi Tong.

信用卡資料 Credit Card Details
(本堂將於每月安排信用卡自動轉帳,如欲使用銀行戶口自動轉帳,需由善長向相關銀行查詢及安排 Auto-pay via credit card will be arranged by Yan Oi Tong every month. If you would like to arrange auto-pay transaction from your bank account, please contact your bank for details.)
善長資料 Donor’s Details
(用作捐款收據抬頭 Your name will be printed on donation receipts)

Thank you for your generous support.
Your donation could make a difference for the under-privileged people.

I hereby authorize Yan Oi Tong to charge my card credit account for the relevant amounts specified above. I agree that this authorization shall have effect after the valid date of the credit card or replacement of the credit cards. This authorization shall have effect until further notice. I agree that any notice of cancellation or variation of this authorization shall be given at 10 working days before such cancellation/variation is to take effect.