本人願意一次性捐款予仁愛堂作以下用途 I would like to donate to Yan Oi Tong by a one-off donation for the following purpose
捐款金額 (HKD) Donation Amount
捐款者資料 Donor Details
捐款者編號Donor No. (如有的話If any):
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* Please note +,-,(),space or any other special characters are not accepted. Example, +852 2655 7788 should be written as 85226557788
If the recipient's name differs from the donor, please specify |
Please send me an official receipt(Applicable only to each donation amounting HK$100 or above for tax deduction) |
I know Yan Oi Tong from the following channels
What method of payment
銀聯 UnionPay
信用卡 VISA MasterCard
轉數快 FPS

閣下向本堂提供的個人資料只用作寄發捐款收據、聯絡、籌募善款、宣傳或收集意見之用。 如閣下不欲收到本堂資訊,請電郵至ea@yot.org.hk與本堂聯絡,主旨註明「私隱保護」。
Personal Information Collection Statement
Your personal data will be used solely for issuing receipts, fund-raising appeals and promotional activities. If you would like us to stop using your personal data for the above purposes, please indicate your wish with subject “Personal Data Privacy” by email to ea@yot.org.hk
多謝您的慷慨捐獻!您的一分一毫,將讓更多有需要人士受惠。 Thanks for your generous support. Your donation could make a difference for the under-privileged people.